Thursday, September 24, 2009

Google Chrome?

Have I mention how much I love typography? Here's a link to a really interesting article I found about Google's method of solving people's frustrations about Internet Explorer 6.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Outside the Lines"

billboard and poster design.

My senior project: organizing a campaign where children that come from unfortunate situations express themselves via art therapy. Much like the "Go Red" campaign, awareness is spread by printing the children's art onto t-shirts. All proceeds would go toward a trust fund for the child (or orphanage, home, etc.) to use toward college or some form of investing in their future. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Athletic Poster progress

So, here are some comps of what I'm thinking for the SPU athletic poster for 09-10. (Note: the shapes around the athletes are rough. I would definitely refine them as i went. I'm just trying to pinpoint my overall aesthetic.)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Welp, it's 3:39am, and yet again I find myself in front of the computer screen revising posters to go up in my senior show on thursday.

I decided to stick with the black and red background and go for more texture and business rather than individual hierarchy. I felt the title needed more dominance than it had before. I wish the texture on the red itself was more apparent though! Guess you can't go too hard on a screen shot...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Package, Poster and Logo Design

"Blessed Box"
Package Design for the Seattle Pacific University's Student Ministries Department; talk-box with necessary tools lead conversation.

"SPU VisCom Senior Design Show"
Entry for poster to go around Seattle and SPU campus promoting the exhibit.

"Vitality Pilates"
Logo renovation; also revamped their entire identity system.

Helvetica and Existentialism

"It would have to be Helvetica"
Experimenting with different typefaces falling placed in a single column.

"The Modern Existentialist"
Film Festival based on the French New Wave film genre; still very much in the process of refining!